Monday, April 20, 2015

Final Composition and Compare Contrast

I can't say I'm thrilled with this piece. I feel like I was successful in creating a greater variation in values, but I think the rendering is poorly executed. The colors are not precisely what I wanted them to be, and the likeness is pretty lacking in my opinion, both between the original image and my rendition as well as in the likeness to Marilyn Monroe.  While there is a greater variation in value as far as each color is concerned, I would have liked a higher level of contrast between values to better bring out the form. I also feel like my loose sketches captured her better. I'm not really satisfied with this piece at all, and I wish I had taken more time and care with it.

I also realized I forgot her mole. That's okay, I'll probably rework this whole piece at some point when there's time.

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